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Wytheville 2023


Birthplace of First Lady Edith Bolling Wilson


By Carol Bowlin Smith


There were 28 members of The Bolling Family

Association in attendance for our wonderful

Reunion on July 27-30, 2023 in beautiful

Wytheville, Virginia. Our gracious host &

TBFA Member Farron Smith was very

instrumental at helping us establish all events

for this fabulous weekend, including our

discounted rates at the elegant and historic

Bolling Wilson Hotel. Secretary Bev Sumy created a wonderful booklet for all attendees, and provided snacks for our Thur. evening Meet and Greet in the hotel’s ballroom. Many of our members enjoyed late evenings on the hotel’s rooftop terrace, The Perch, which afforded great vistas & gentle breezes.


Our Friday tour began at the Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum with a welcome talk by museum founder Farron Smith & the museum’s Director, Dr. Steven Dinero. Edith was the seventh of eleven children in the spacious yet modest home of Sally & Judge William Bolling. We saw a film depicting the life of Edith from early childhood through her years in the White House as the wife of President Woodrow Wilson. From this film, the exceptional living history depiction of “Edith” by actress Betsy Ely, the extensive displays throughout the museum, and our private tour of the upper family-home level, we were able to learn so much about Edith and how her childhood and early adult life unwittingly prepared her for her role as President Woodrow Wilson’s wife and confidant. Both Farron and her husband Bill Smith have done an amazing job at creating this very important historic museum, and in continuing to restore so much of the upper-level family home site. TBFA is pleased to continue supporting this very worthwhile effort. 


After a fun lunch at the Moon Dog Brick House restaurant, we walked a block away to the Bolling family’s place of worship, St. John’s Episcopal Church. Here Edith was christened, confirmed, and married her first husband, jewelry store owner Norman Galt. We were treated to a wonderful talk by church docent Linda Brogden and a depiction of 12-year-old “Edith” by Piper Alexander. Piper shared the enthusiasm of young Edith, giving us another glimpse into the depth of Edith’s faith and self-reliance. The stained-glass window that First Lady Edith Bolling Wilson dedicated to her parents on her return visit to Wytheville in 1960 is truly stunning.


Next, we drove the short distance to the East End Cemetery, where many of Edith’s family members are interred, and a beautiful stone marker dedicated to Edith stands at the front of the Bolling area. We were treated to a surprise visit, “the spirit from beyond the grave” of Edith’s sister Bertha Bolling. Bertha was portrayed by the very talented Holly Montgomery (wearing a flowing and ethereal gown), giving us wonderful insights into Edith’s life in Washington DC, and of her life after the death of President Wilson.


TBFA members attended our Saturday morning Family Meeting, led

by president Mike Sumy, where several important issues were discussed.

Highlights of the Minutes from that meeting are included in the Vol. XXXII, August 2023 Newsletter issue. Members then spent a very productive afternoon immersed in genealogy research, coordinated by Lisa Bolling. A special thanks goes to our genealogist Larry Bowling, though not present was still able to spend a great deal of time by phone assisting those with

questions and leading them in the right research direction.


Our Saturday evening Banquet prepared by the hotel’s Graze on Main

Restaurant was a huge success. Members had a chance to mingle and

visit, while enjoying a delightful dinner. Our guest speaker was Dr.

Dolores Pfeuffer-Scherer, who recounted the strength of conviction of

two of Edith’s early ancestors, Pocahontas and Martha Washington.

Dr. Pfeuffer-Scherer elegantly blended the various complicated decisions

each of these historic figures made which ultimately had a big influence

not just on each of their lives but on the course of our country’s history.

The inspirational theme of this talk was in spite of those who tell a

woman that her ideas are crazy and not possible, the conviction of

“just watch me” can see us all through the most difficult aspects of life.


Our evening ended with a spirited, fun, & financially beneficial Silent

Auction organized by Mara Evans, with thanks to TBFA member Mary

Margaret Cash who donated the Pocahontas-inspired earrings and

broach. All in all, this was a wonderful family Reunion!

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Seated from Left: Mara Evans, Dr. Delores Dinero, Dr. Steven Dinero, Farron Smith, Bill Smith, Karla Bell

Standing from Left: David Whip, Sr., Frank Bolling, Michael Parker, Linda Bolling, Nick Haddon, Susan Parker, Randolph Bell, Maria Fakadej, Andy Chattin, Bev Sumy, Hugh Havlik, Carol Smith, Mike Sumy, Sr., Martha Hoover, Debbi Bowlin, Jeremy Evans, G. John Bowling, Jonah Evans, Carol Bowling, Jack Stifter, Jim Bolling, Lisa Bolling, John Stifter IV, Deborah Sirica

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Farron Smith, Founder of The Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Foundation and Museum, and Mara Evans, Vice President of The Bolling Family Association standing on the grand staircase of the Bolling Wilson Hotel in front of a portrait of Edith Bolling Wilson just after TBFA chose to loan the museum a painting of the birthplace by artist, Katy Caroline Gullet.

Holly Montgomery portraying Bertha Bolling, Edith's sister, at East End Cemetery in the Bolling Family plot.

The Bolling Wilson Hotel is a chocolates on your pillow kind of place!



Children of Lee Bolling Stifter, former VP of TBFA, who all sat in this Bolling family antique highchair that she donated long ago to the museum.

Free Time - Eating Out and the Rooftop Bar "The Perch"

Family Genealogy Research & Sharing

During this casual gathering time members share documents, maps, photos, books, family trees, and other research with each other; genealogists lend a hand with research tips and search our database for family members; and significant items are on display such as a wall map of Bolling related locations with GPS coordinates, 30+ years of TBFA newsletters, and scrapbooks of past TBFA events... but the copier and printer is the most used item in the room.


Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace & Museum

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St. John's Episcopal Church


East End Cemetery


Banquet Photos


The Bolling Family Association

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