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Simon Bowley (Boule, Bowley, Bowlin, Bowling) Fh 629



RICHARD BUDD. 350 acres Northumberland County, 30 Jan. 1650, p. 279. Abutting W. upon land of Mr. George Hatcher, N.E. upon land of Mr. George Hatcher, N.E. upon Dinites Cr. Which divides this and a tract surveyed for Thomas Prickett, E. against the mouth of great Wickcocomico River & S.E. & S.W. upon aforesaid Davites Cr. Transportation of 7 persons: Richd Budd, Eliza. Wilson, _____ Budd his wife, Thomas Cleake, William Harpar, Henry Mayes, SYMON BOULE (Fh629). (2173)(2174)

NOTE: Simon was transported in 1650 and if we use an age of 21 years this would make his birth ca. 1629. Actually he was transported before 1650---1650 is when Richard Budd claims his land.




P. 31. In the name of God Amen. Whereas I Rich:Budd being weake and sick in bodye yet at present perfect sence and memory have made this my last will and Testament in manner and forme as followeth:

 ( ) in Law Elizabeth, I doe give &( ) Cowes with their increase for ever ( ) Flower and Young Cherry

( ) in the yeare  1661, I doe ( ) each of them one cow calfe ( ) MAZE, ANNE, GAMLING, ELLENR.

( ), ( ) Dennis; and to JOHN MULTON ( ) Sprunt

( ) my men vitz., JOHN & SIMON ( ) service being faithfully fulfill'd ( ) & bequeath one cow calfe;

Itm. To my loving Wife Eliz: I doe give and bequeath all and & every of the land goods chattels moveables & imoveables wch: shall belong or be found due or apperteyning to my Estate (my Debts & Legacies being paid) And doe constitute or ordaine her my Executrix. Desiring my good Friend, Mr. Lawr: Dameron, to see this my Will & Testament performed; This I doe acknowledge to be my Last Will and testamt. As Wittness my hand this 22th of October: Ano Dom: 1659

Signed & sealed in the presence of


The marke of SIMON BOWLEY

21 November: 1659. This will was proved in Northumberland County Court to be the Last Will & Teatamt. Of RICHARD BUDD deced., by the Oaths of THO: DENT & JOHN MOUTON, And execucon thereof committed to ELIZABETH, ye Relict of sd. RICHARD BUDD, And the Will is recorded.


SOURCE: Northumberland County Deed and Will Abstracts, 1658-1662, Page 31 by Ruth and Sam Sparacio.

The Bolling Family Association

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